Optimum Annual Coastal Cleanup 2021

Beach clean-ups, as a key information and awareness tool for the prevention of marine litter pollution, is a great initiative being organized for more than 6 years in Optimum.

As a company and as individuals, we strive by this initiative of the voluntary beach clean-up to spread the message for Clean Seas and Beaches to the general public even during the pandemic while always following COVID national measures.

It is really important to recognize through the clean-ups, the human footprint to the environment and think what changes we can make to our daily habits.

Even today, the widespread use of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the pandemic has created millions of new pieces of plastic litter and large quantities of landfill waste.

Although innovative methods are being developed to transform these disposable items into new products, items such as masks can take hundreds of years to decompose.

Considering all above, along with our belief that seas & beaches are the idyllic get-away and essential part of our human lives, we keep “beach cleaning”, but we don’t have to wait for the next one to start cleaning up. Taking responsibility for our plastic trash is already a step in the right direction.

Before saying goodbye for the winter, we came along to an autumn beach clean-up on Sunday 24th of October, where Optimum employees, their families and friends gathered together in order to complete the annual beach clean-up of 2021. This is not only a volunteering action but also an action of educational awareness, especially for our children.

The results were remarkable: 5.4m3 of waste was collected in less than 2 hours. Attached a few pictures from the event and don’t forget:

“Think of the beach as a bridge between the land and the marine environment. “

By: Ms. Evangelia Saranti

Quality & Environment Officer