Crew Conference at Manila, Philippines | March 2018

Optimum team gathered one more time to actively participate in the crew conference in Manila, Philippines, on 19 to 22 of March 2018.

The aim of this crew conference was to mainly discuss and inform the crew on the updated progress and exchange information on the soon opening Joint Venture of Global and Optimum.

After many hours, days and months of hard work and preparation on the set up of this JV Office, many ideas and new suggestions were collected.

New member’s and new crews interested to join Optimum actively participated in this conference.

They were all invited and welcomed to familiarize themselves with company’s polices, core values and hear the latest topics, incidents and updates surrounded in the shipping industry.

To prevent any incident, we also discussed safety onboard our managed vessels and made them environmentally aware.

Throughout this conference, new and different opinions were shared, stronger bonding’s were created and new experiences were made.

After the presentations, there was time to gather all together and enjoy a nice dinner with members from other nationalities.

This was very successful as the member got closer to the team by interacting, listening, exchanging and sharing thoughts and ideas, as one.

Another Crew Conference came to an end with even more success for the upcoming future!